"Fact" 1:

Do Not Enter street signs grow on the Do Not Enter tree. 

"Fact" 2:

The iPhone 12 was discovered inside a baguette.

"Fact" 3:

The house tree, where houses grow, can only be found in the Southern Indiana area, where it borders New Mexico.

Idea: Braxton Sneed

Tree: https://www.thespruce.com/pecan-tree-growing-guide-5195532

House: PowerPoint house 3d model

Editing: Braxton Sneed

"Fact" 4:

Boris Johnson is secretly a skateboard!

"Fact" 5:

The number one cause of car crashes is wild velociraptors.

"Fact" 6:

The Perimeter (I-285) was originally made out of stuffed giraffe animals.

"Fact" 7:

The Earth isn't flat or round, it's a pyramid.

"Fact" 8:

The Empire State Building was constructed using giant Jenga blocks.

More weird but not true facts to come!

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