ChatGPT's basic platformer
ChatGPT Platformer
Version 1.9
Instructions: Use arrow keys or WASD to move and space or W to jump.Â
I told you it was basic.
Version 0.1: Just A Start.
Prompt: Generate HTML script for a simple platformer.
Version 0.2: Somehow Even Worse.
Promt: Can you add jumping?
Unless you scroll really fast, you can't see it, but the player falls through the platform.
Version 0.3: Is It Just Me, Or Did Nothing Change?
Prompt: The player falls through the platform.
Same issue as before...
After several more attempts with the exact same result, I gave up and stared a new chat.
Version 1.0: An Actual Start.
Prompt: Generate HTML code for a basic platformer that has smooth gravity and movement along with jumping and collisions.
Note: I changed the border color and square color to work with this site's dark mode theme.
Version 1.1: Bigger and Platformier
Prompt: Can you make the canvas better and add a platform?
Note: Yet again I changed the border color. That's all though.
Version 1.2: Nothing's Changed. Why, ChatGPT?
Prompt: The player cannot jump off of the platform.
Note: Hi. Border color changed again.Â
Version 1.3: Finally, Jumping Off the Platform!
Prompt: The player is still unable to jump off the platform.
Note: It's me again. Border color.
Version 1.4: Ow! My Head!
Prompt: Can you add head collisions?
Note: I changed the border color for dark mode and the square color for aesthetics.
Version 1.5: The More The Merrier
Prompt: Could you add a second platform?
Version 1.6: Triples
Prompt: Add a third platform and change the platform detection to lists to make adding platforms easier to implement.
Note: This took 4 more tries than shown in the title. I'll let you guess what the game was based on the prompts:
The player cannot jump off of platforms.
The player and platforms are missing.
The player falls through the bottom of the screen.
 Return head collisions.
Version 1.7: I thought I was falling!
Prompt: Could you add coyote jumps?
Version 1.8: Crashing Into Walls
Prompt: Could you add wall collisions?
Note: This actually took uncountable prompts to complete, but all the code remains written by AI, other than me changing the frames for the coyote jump.
Version 1.9 (Current): Wasdy
Prompt: Add WASD controls